01 August, 2007

Random Knitting Stuff

I've been trying to do loads of things at once. I have at least five projects on needles at the moment. He's a bit of what I'm doing and a bit of what I've done.

The sock you see up there is for my Hogwarts sock swap 2 partner. Since you can't really tell what's happening with the pattern I decided it was safe to post pics without totally ruining the surprise! I'm making up my own pattern for these so I really hope they end up great.

That starry bag is one I'm doing for the gallery show. It's Brown Sheep Lambs Pride Bulky with some embroidery done in alpaca lace weight yarn. I think I'm done with it now. What do you all think, does it need something?
Must go be mom now and then get to work on more bags...

1 comment:

Ellen Alexandra said...

Such a cute bag!