22 August, 2007

OMG- there I am!

So I've been keeping my eye out all week- well all three days of it so far anyway- and today is the day I made it on the Lime & Violet blog! Whoever the generous person is who wrote about me had some really great things to say about my etsy shop. I'm way excited- in case you had no idea. To the folks at Lime & Violet... Thank you, thank you!

If you are wondering what I'm so happy about go on over and check it out. Every day there is a new Etsy shop of the day not to mention shout outs and reviews for all things fibery and good. I've already seen lots of other peoples work that I now have a desperate need of. Like the Yarn Pirate yarn and the Wildhorse Designs sock patterns that I read about today.

I should really be getting something done- like knitting- but I had to tell everyone ( or perhaps no one) who reads this all about it. Yay!

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