19 August, 2007

OMG- Lime and Violet!!!

OK, I checked my email this morning and had an Etsy conversation from someone who writes on Lime & Violets blog. For those of you who have not experienced Lime & Violets awesome fibery goodness- otherwise known as sock yarn- you must check it out. It can be a bit hard to get your hands on, but it's well worth it. Anyway! They have chosen my etsy shop to be featured as an Etsy site of the day on their blog- Lime & Violets Daily Chum!!! Sometime this week I'll be there with lots of other Etsy sellers, some rather good company I must say as Etsy people rock! I don't know why they picked me, but I'm really happy about it- thanks!!!

I have a photo of a Jaywalker work in progress on here a few posts back that is knit with Lime & Violet yarn should you care to see it.

Otherwise...I have finished the first sock for my Hufflepuff sock swap partner. All of the first one- third time's the charm I guess. Hopefully my Hufflepuff pal will like them when I'm done! Besides that I have made lots of progress in the bags for the gallery department. Only two left to knit (one is half done) a handfull to felt, several need finishing touches. That may not sound like progress, but trust me it is. However, my needles are calling my name and I really must knit- which I can do while watching football today, yay!


Vicky Bladvak said...

Oh! How exciting! I love their Etsy shop of the day, and always visit. Of course you were picked because your bags are fantastic!

And congratulations for finishing your gallery bags! That must've been a lot of work. Good luck at the gallery. (When will that be?)

And the sock looks great! I'm a huge fan of sock toes. What a cute toe! And if that's kitchenered, it's done beautifully!

And what football did you watch? ;)

loveyourbag said...

I was totally excited about Lime & Violet- I'll have to post when I'm on there!

I'm so glad I'm done knitting the bags. I have to put the finishing touches on a few, and there are four in my washing machine right now. I have to have the bags there by September 1st, then they stay there until October 26th or something like that. Hopefully some will sell and I won't be getting them all back!

I did kitchner the toe- I'm glad you think I did a good job. I talk to myself the entire time I'm doing it so I don't get mixed up!

I sort of had a football marathon- I watched whatever thye were showing on NFL Network- Denver & Dallas, the Panthers and ?, too many to remember. Then I watched Sunday Night Football last night. I have to work tonight so I'll have to make my husband set the DVR!