23 July, 2007

So much to do...

I waited to do any of it until I had finished reading Harrry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I finished last night- I know how did it take me so long? Life was calling, I couldn't just sit and read. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the book. It was good, a bit slow at times. The ending was predictable, although the way you get there is not. There are a few little twists I wasn't expecting. I got my wish and Harry and Hagrid are still alive. She killed off so many characters though. One of the Weasley twins, Lupin, Tonks, Hedwig!?!? I'll have to read it over of course, but not for a bit.

I have 10 to 12 felted bags to make for an upcoming gallery show. I really must get started on them. As soon as I get my Hufflepuff yarn I have socks to knit up for my Hogwarst Sock Swap 2 partner. I have six skeins of hand painted sock yarn calling my name, with three more on the way. Sock yarn is such an addiction! My Etsy shop is feeling a bit neglected, it would love to have some new things in it. Plus I have another show in October that I really need to make things for since I usually do pretty well at it. Christmas! I don't want to think about the knitting I must do for gifts...

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