14 July, 2007

Hogwarts Sock Swap 2 has started!

I'm so excited to be a part of the second swap- I missed the first one. Can't wait to find out about my sock pal. http://hogwarts-sock-swap-two.blogspot.com/ Sign ups started today, so if you want in you better get sorted and join quick!

Hogwarts Sock Swap Questionnaire

What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into?

Shoe size?
8 1/2

Foot Length?
9 1/4"

Foot Circumference?
9 1/4"

List your three favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length.
a. Comfort Zone- They're fairly new from Knitting-on the-Go and they are absolutely brilliant!
b. Clover Takumi Bamboo
c. Brittany Birch
Size and length- 1, 2, or 3 and about 7" are my favorites

Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length?
Sure, I'm up for giving something new a try. I really don't like aluminum/metal ones though- always drop my stitches.

If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference?
I would really love to have book colors, but I wouldn't send the owl back if the socks were movie colors!

Allergies? Do you have any? Will your knitting be exposed to smoke or animals?
No allergies to pets or smoke, but I can't handle perfumes and the like.
My knitting won't be around smoke of any sort. I have two short haired cats who generally don't concern themselves with my knitting. That would cut into their sleeping time!

Are you an international participant (outside US)? Are you willing to have an international Hogwarts Sock Pal?
I'm in the US. An international pal would be fun!

Let the sock knitting begin!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

15 Points for Ravenclaw!

Welcome to the swap,
Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress