19 December, 2007

Two days until Chritmas?

I am all done shopping and knitting for Christmas. Everything is wrapped up and under the tree or separated into piles by destination. I even mailed all of the gifts that needed to be mailed. It feels kind of nice, and the tree looks happier with presents under it. I hope the kids leave them alone!
With the help of my husband my house managed to get clean today. So I have Thursday and Friday to bake cookies- which I haven't done yet this year. The Christmas festivities start on Saturday with a trip to Colorado to see my dad and sisters. We get Sunday off- football yay! Then Christmas Eve at the in-laws, Christmas day at home with just us until I have to work. So really I only have two days left until Christmas starts here.
What happened to December???

I'm also trying really hard to resist some Tempting Yarns in the Paris colorway that just came to the Loopy Ewe. I'm really in love with it and it hasn't sold out yet. Must. Be. Strong.

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